Caroline’s Message on Facebook for Peter

Gelato de Messina
Gelato de Messina

For you and Mama. Reminds me of the day we were wandering throughout the botanical gardens with Matthew and decided “to go in search of gelato” 

“When someone is seeking it happens quite easily that she only sees the thing that she is seeking; that she is unable to find anything, unable to absorb anything, because she is only thinking of the thing she is seeking, because she has a goal, because she is obsessed with her goal. Seeking means to have a goal; but finding means: to be free, to be receptive, to have no goal.” Siddhartha, Herman Hesse
I, Uta, asked Peter to send me Caroline’s message. I think Caroline chose this passage from Hermann Hesse’s SIDDHARTHA very well. Thank you very much for this, Caroline. I too remember that day when we were wandering throughout the Botanic Gardens in Sydney. I actually enjoyed our walk very much. Finding a place for buying gelato? It was not to be, not in the Botanic Gardens anyway. Then we looked around near the Opera House. However the area was much too crowded for our liking. So we went on. In the end Matthew and Caroline led us to their favourite gelato shop. This made us very happy. I think we did have a great day!
I can see that it would have been very bad to be obsessed with this goal of getting gelato. I admit, I was on the lookout for it. Had we been able to find some in the Botanic Gardens, I am sure we would have enjoyed that too. None the less, I very much loved  this walk, I really did. And as it turned out, having to wait for the gelato a  bit longer, made it even more special when I finally did get some of this very delicious home made on the premises gelato.
I say, it is always worth waiting for GELATO DE MESSINA, made on the premises in Victoria Street! 🙂

2 thoughts on “Caroline’s Message on Facebook for Peter

  1. A beautiful inspiring story reminding me of the many times a walked with my sisters and parents looking for foods of our craving. We didn’t have gelato but we have a local ice cream called dirty ice cream. It’s not really dirty but it’s a street ice cream. Certain food help us remember of what great memories with family. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you for your comment, dear IT. We had a craving for ice cream after the war, World War II that is. We used to take our sugar ration to the ice cream parlour for without handing over some sugar we were not able to receive any ice cream. There was that much of a shortage of essential foods.

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