Visiting David


David’s brother let Peter know that David is in hospital. We went to see him there two weeks ago on Sunday. We traveled by train to Westmead station. From there we walked to Westmead Hospital. We found David in good spirits. He looked much healthier than we had seen him before. We talked for about an hour. He called us ‘Papa’ and ‘Mama’. He showed us his leg where it had been amputated. He said he was going to get physio so he would be able to walk better. In a few weeks he was to go back home.

In the meantime the brother sent another message that David was to be sent to a nursing home. So the villa where Gaby and David had lived for the past twenty-three years had to be vacated. We were asked would we perhaps want anything out of the villa that had belonged to Gaby? We said, we would go up to the place on a day when David’s family was to be there too.





We were glad we left the car at home.
We were glad we left the car at home.


This was our way back to the station.
This was our way back to the station.

We didn’t take any photos inside the hospital. But David was in a pleasant ward, I think it was on the seventh floor. He had a room all to himself! He was listening to his radio which a neighbor had brought in for him. He had just had his lunch and someone came in to pick up his lunch-tray. He said he didn’t smoke any more and this was going to save him a lot of money. We were very happy David felt so much better after having had good medical care in hospital for several weeks.

20 thoughts on “Visiting David

  1. How sweet of a neighbour to buy David a radio – that’s very thoughtful, it would make so much difference.

    Aunty Uta, seeing those parking costs at the hospital reminds me of when Daniel hurt himself at ju jitsue & was operated on (his knee) – or ‘scoped’ I think they called it – on 4th February. That whole weekend.. parking, parking, parking – and YESTERDAY, Friday, I got a speeding ticket for doing 67ks in a 60 zone. I thought ‘I was at work! Bull!’ but realised it was ‘that’ weekend, including that Monday. Sigh, the costs of hospital!!

    I’m glad for your David he’s in a single room – that’s pretty awesome 🙂

    1. Actually it was David’s radio which the neighbour was able to get out of his place and she took it to the hospital when she visited David, which I think was really good of her because it keeps David occupied in the hospital. There is a second bed in the room, however on that Sunday when we saw David, there was no-one using this bed.
      I am sorry you had such a bad weekend, Noeleen, when Daniel needed hospital treatment. I hope his knee is all right now.

  2. This must have been a very difficult time for David – losing Gaby, his leg and now his home of 23 years. He must be really glad to have you and his brother for support at this time. And yes, those parking fees are horrendous! I hope it all goes t a good cause!

    1. You’re spot on there, Cat. David has been through very difficult times. There’s really not very much we can do for him. He has actually four brothers and three sisters, all younger than he is. Most of his siblings don’t live in the area. Even Anthony, who always tries his best in looking after him, lives quite some distance away. Anthony let us know now that David has already been placed in a nursing home. So David’s family are going to be at the villa in Merrylands West next weekend to give the place a good clean-out. We’ll be there too to cart away some of Gaby’s stuff she accumulated over the 23 years!

  3. Wünsche dir einen wunderschönen Tag,es ist immer wichtig wenn man eine gute Medizinische Versorgung hat und auch schnell Hilfe zu stelle ist.Bei uns in Köln ist es heute sehr Kalt es könnte ja mal was Wärmer werden die Zeit wäre es ,aber es kommt wies kommt.Hoffe euch geht es soweit gut,was ich auch von mir sagen kann.Wünsche ein glückliches schönes weekend.Lieber Gruß von mir Gislinde

  4. I hope things will begin to look up for David in the next few weeks or months. I wonder, now that I realize he and Gaby were in the same living space, if he had time to recover from that on top of his own health issues. I’m sure visiting him was a treat. I imagine myself in a new unfamiliar facility like that and I would greatly appreciate the company.

    1. Thanks very much for commenting, Mary-Ann. So far we’ve seen David only once at the hospital for an hour or so. He looked so much better than when we had seen him the last time, which was many months ago. Since he’s in a nursing home now, I hope he’s going to get some more visitors there. Peter and I might visit him there too from time to time.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Mybeautfulthings. David is in a nursing home now. I am sure he’s going to be well looked after in this place. He could not go on living in his home because for a number of years now he wasn’t able anymore to do the things that need doing to look after yourself. I am sure he’s going to be much better off in the nursing home. Come to think of it, that they had to amputate part of his leg made it finally possible to get him to the stage where he’s now receiving the proper care he needs. While he was still at home he tended to refuse help and let everything go and he got more and more sick and people just didn’t know how they could help him. Our quadriplegic daughter, who lived in the same house, had her own carers. She did whatever she could to help David, but she couldn’t really do very much for him. Our daughter passed away in July last year.
      Thanks again for your comment. Love, Uta.

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